Michael N. Starnbach
Principal Investigator

Undergraduate Institution: Vassar College
Graduate Institution: Stanford University
Research Interests: Immunity to pathogens
Favorite Lab Memory: Many conferences in fun places with lab members
Fun fact: I love to hike and bike in Maine

Eric Dumas

Undergraduate Institution: University of Oklahoma
Graduate Institution: University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
Research Interests: Host-Pathogen interaction, Immunology, Infectious diseases, and vaccine design
Favorite Lab Memory: My favorite memories have all been during our lab retreats. Be it ice hiking, bike riding, or making our own pizzas from scratch, spending time outside of lab with my lab mates is something I will always remember.
Fun fact: I like to bake in my free time (It’s basically a science experiment that you get to eat!)

Nicole Reinhold-Larsson
Graduate Student

Undergraduate Institution: The Ohio State University
Graduate Institution: HMS/BBS
Research Interests: Host-pathogen interactions, immune checkpoint, pathogen sensing pathways
Favorite Lab Memory: Pizza night at Michael’s house in Maine 2024
Fun fact: I love dancing, indoor cycling, hiking, and traveling

Andrea Lebron Figueroa
Graduate Student

Undergraduate Institution: University of Notre Dame
Graduate Institution: HMS/Immunology
Research Interests: T cells, host-pathogen interactions, single cell sequencing
Favorite Lab Memory: Going to the Omaha Zoo with the lab
Fun fact: I love running, pilates, and spin (and lattes)

Justin Brueggeman
Graduate Student

Undergraduate Institution: University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Graduate Institution: HMS/BBS
Research Interests: T cell responses to B. burgdorferi, the causative agent of Lyme disease
Favorite Lab Memory: Lab retreats!
Fun fact: I’m an organist

Ellie Mattison
Lab technician

Undergraduate Institution: Emmanuel University
Research Interests: I am interested in what everyone else is researching and what they need assistance on for their research
Favorite Lab Memory: Pizza night at the 2024 Maine lab retreat
Fun fact: If the weather is nice in the summer, I love to go sailing!


Undergraduate Institution: Good Boy University
Graduate Institution: HMS/Starnbach Lab
Research Interests: I want to know what makes my lab buddies happy
Favorite Lab Memory: Lab retreat boat rides!
Fun fact: I love belly scratches and taking naps in lab


Undergraduate Institution: Pawvard 
Graduate Institution: HMS/Starnbach Lab
Research Interests: researching treat acquisition strategies
Fun fact:  I was the smallest (and mightiest) of my litter!


Undergraduate Institution: Troublemaker University
Graduate Institution: HMS/Starnbach Lab
Research Interests: The fluff inside all of my toys
Favorite Lab Memory: Lab retreat walks
Fun fact: I love attention!


Doctoral Students

Joanna Olivas
Haitong Mao
Andrew Olive
Zarine Balsara
Christine Shaw
Amy Doling
Amy Doling
Erica Sennott
Jennifer Helble
Lisa Steele
Nadia Roan
Sarah Fankhouse
Sergio Dávila
Stephanie Jehl

Postdoctoral Students

Ando Van der Velden
Catarina Nogueira
Christine McBeth
Christopher Zarozinski
David Gondek
Esi Lamousé-Smith
Jonathan Portman
Jörn Coers
Kara Sue Giddings
Rebeccah Lijek
Sarah D’Orazio
Theresa Ho
Wendy Loomis
Xuqing Zhang
Youxu Yang

Claudette Gardel

Courtney Anderson

Lab Technicians

Will Saint-Amour